The history of significant people, buildings, sites and/or parts of the natural environment in the local community and what it reveals about the past
The contributions of individuals and/or groups that had led to justice within a society
Study the Parthenon as an example of a landmark with geographical and cultural significance, which also has a connection to social justice and action.
Could use P for C resources, or thinking routine of Watch-Think-Dig Deeper-Discuss to guide discussion.
Study Mount Rushmore as an example of a landmark you can connect to social justice (ex. who is represented)
Key features of a map including: title to identify the purpose, use of key/legend to communicate symbols, colour to represent particular elements, labels with different sizes and styles to indicate hierarchy and use of cardinal compass points
The way the world is represented in geographic divisions, eg. continents, countries, bodies of water, equator, hemispheres and how they can be represented in different ways, eg. globes, print, digital, interactive maps
The idea that places are parts of Earth’s surface that have been named by people, and how places can be defined at a variety of scales, eg. personal (home), the local (their suburb, town or district), the regional (state) to the national (country)
Study Uluru (Ayer's Rock) as a case study of landmarks with a connection to social justice (ban on tourists as respect to indigenous groups)